(and who wants a sink full of dishes at the end of the night)
I feel you after working nine hours, dealing with a difficult boss, and picking the kids up the last thing you want to do is stop at the grocery store or try to figure out a meal from what you have in the refrigerator.
Much less fight with your kids to eat their broccoli. You don’t need the stress, but you do need to get your family fed before you leave for soccer practice.
Stop feeling guilty when you are swinging your mini van through the fast food line for the third time this week.
I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault.
As one woman trying to do the job of two parents you have a lot on your plate. At the end of the day you deserve to have a few minutes to put your feet up and relax.
Allow the Food in a Flash to help you:
- Get rid of the “What’s for dinner?” stress that looms over you every single day
- Make nutritious home-cooked meals with this easy plan
- Avoid the drive-thru line, because you have no time or idea what to cook
- Stop feeling guilty that you let the kids have popcorn and ice cream for dinner again (we’ve all been there)
Introducing Food in a Flash your what’s for dinner solution.
Regular price $12.99 On sale for a limited time only $7.00
Plus get 2 bonuses
Bonus 1: Meal Planning Template
The key to getting dinner on the table fast is to not leave it until the last minute
- Never worry “what’s for dinner?” again
- No more stopping at the grocery store on the way home to pick up ingredients for dinner
- Spend 5 minutes once a week filling out the template. You and the kids will always know what’s for dinner
Bonus 2
Meals for Picky Eaters $5.00 value
Doesn’t it make you mad when you finally get dinner on the table and your kids say “yuck” or refuse to eat it? It’s not like you want to be a short-order cook or waste your hard-earned money and time making food no one will eat.
Get these 4 bonus meals even the pickiest eater will be happy to eat. And the secret to feeding picky eaters that will keep your mealtimes peaceful.
Get Cheap 20 Minute Meals for Single Moms plus your meal planning template and Meals for Picky Eaters Bonus
$17.99 value for only $7.00
What another mom thinks
Food in a Flash is so simple I can’t believe I didn’t think of something like this before–Maggie
Hi, I’m Tamara
I created Food in a Flash
It helped me save both time and money. Spending less time cooking and meal planning gave me more time for building a business and having quality time with the kids. Now that they are all grown up we still love hanging out together.
Questions Smart Moms Ask Before Buying
- What if we don’t eat meat? There is a section of meals using beans as the protein and you can substitute a soy meat product, beans, hummus, or cheese for the protein in most of the meals with meat if you don’t eat meat.
- What if my kids don’t like the meals? There is a lot of variety in the meals, so pick and choose what your kids like best because none of us have time or money to make food the kids don’t eat. You will definitely love the bonus meals for picky eaters.
- Are the recipes going to have exotic ingredients that I use once and throw out the rest? Absolutely not I hate those recipes and most of them are not kid-friendly. These recipes are all built on basic ingredients you will use over and over again.
- Are these meals budget-friendly? The meals are all planned around cheap food that goes on sale regularly.
- Can I return it? No, it is a digital book. No returns.
- Is this a hardcover book? No, it is a digital book delivered right to your inbox so no waiting for it to come in the mail. You can print it off for a hard copy or use it on your I-Pad or phone.
What other moms are saying:
I love these meals it saves so much meal time stress. Yeah–Laura