I love self-help books. I think it is an occupational hazard. I put together a list of relationship self-help books for single moms who took the Are You Ready for a Relationship Quiz. Because of that, they are organized into categories based on how ready you are to date.
If dating is the last thing on your mind the first section is for you. Whether you think you will ever date again or not these books will help you be the best you that you can be.
There are lots of books for when you are ready to get into a relationship, but before, during and after that you want to be the best you that you can be. Because of that, the first group of books are all about being the best you that you can be.
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Work on yourself before you try another relationship
If you struggle with co-dependency Melody Beatte’s books are the best.
If you are struggling to find time for me time ready Miracle Morning. He packs so much good information into a few pages you will be able to get it read in only a few days waiting in the school pick-up line.
For goal setting the best, two books are The 12 Week Year and Your Best Year Ever.
Maybe you are ready for a relationship
If you read only one relationship book before you start to date again Think Like a Lady Act Like a Man is the one to read. Steve Harvey gives you a liberal dose of humor with his wisdom.
You are ready to start dating
Have fun, take it slow and here are some books to help you understand the new rules. The books below are great for you to read alone.
Books to Read as a Couple
If your partner is interested in self-help books these are the ones for you.
If you are wondering if you are ready for a relationship you will find the answers here.