You may be wondering, “Will this list of short positive affirmations really work to build my confidence and improve my mental health?”
The short answer is Yes. You may think it is a little to woo woo to really work for you. Positive affirmations are a way to counteract the negative self-talk that you have running through your head.
Positive self-talk stops the negative messages you have been telling yourself that support guilt, loneliness, isolation and overwhelm.
What are positive affirmations?
The meaning of positive is optimistic or good. Affirmation means emotional support or encouragement. Positive affirmations are positive or optimistic statements that provide emotional support and encouragement.
If you are like me you will benefit from more emotional support and encouragement. Positive affirmations are a tool to provide this for yourself whether you have someone in your life who is giving you the encouragement you crave.
Do positive affirmations work for kids?
As parents what we say to our children becomes their inner voice. Pay attention to what you are saying to your children and the model you are giving them by what you say about yourself so their inner voice becomes one filled with positive affirmations that encourage and support a positive sense of self and good mental health.
Why single moms need positive affirmations after divorce or a breakup
The process of a breakup is full of loss, grief, sadness, anger and often shame and guilt. Many single moms worry about ruining their children’s lives. Many women struggle with not feeling good enough and becoming a single mom gives you a multitude of new reasons to feel like you are not good enough.
What are examples of positive affirmations?
I am in control of my life.
Too often in life, we give away our power and focus on what we can’t control. When we focus on accepting what we can’t change and changing what we can we are unbelievably powerful.
Take weather as an example you can’t control the weather, but you can dress in warm clothes in the winter, use an umbrella when it is raining or relocate if you don’t like the weather where you are living. That gives you several options to control how the weather affects you. Instead of focusing on not being able to control how hot, cold or rainy it is focused on what you can control.
Use this same way of thinking when you are dealing with your ex or someone else whose behavior you find irritating.
I am grateful for________
We control what we focus on. Focusing on gratitude is a powerful tool in changing how we feel and our attitude towards life. A simple, but powerful practice is to use a gratitude journal and at the end of every day write down 3 things you are grateful for.
I choose my feeling and today I choose joy
When you focus on gratitude and what you have to be joyful about you will actually have a life with more joy
My needs and wants are as important as everyone else’s’ needs
Give yourself as much consideration as you give other people in your life.
I love others as I love myself
Somehow this common Bible verse has been forgotten and there is a misconception that to be a Godly person you need to put everyone else ahead of yourself and work yourself ragged, but that is not what the verse says it says love your neighbor as yourself.
This is an important idea like the oxygen mask in the airplane you need to put your own oxygen mask on first so you can help the child next to you. When you neglect your self you are depriving your family of your best self.
Books are also a great way to build your confidence. Find the best recommendations for books on building confidence from my friends here.
Positive Affirmations for Mothers
Being a mother is very powerful. Both the act of creating life and nurturing it. It has been said that in times of crises many adults both men and women cry out for their mother.
I created life
I am good at nurturing my children
Being a mother has taught me to love deeply
I provide for my children
I am creating positive memories for my children
There are a million ways to be a good mother —Jill Churchill
How do you write positive affirmations?
Start your statement with I. Make it a concise positive statement. It is easier to remember a short statemetn than a long drawn out sentence. Make your affirmation specific and in the present tense. Identify affirmations that are meaningful for you not what is important to someone else.
If you are not sure what kind of a positive statement to write pay attention to the frequent negative things you tell yourself and turn it into a positive statement. You can do this by thinking of the opposite or asking yourself if this is really true and identifying something positive that is true.
Positive Affirmations for Success
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t you’re right Hentry Ford
This quote is actually a play on the old adage if you think you can’t you won’t.
I can do it
I get good results
I am a hard worker
I achieve my goals
I have the power to make my dreams come true
I keep working towards my goals with persistence
If she can do it I can do it
When you keep taking small steps forward you will reach your goals and these affirmations will give you a positive attitude, motivation and encouragement to keep going.
Positive Affirmations for Anxiety
Cognitive behavior therapy is a research based method for treating depression and anxiety. An important technique in cognitive behavior therapy is changing negative self talk to positive self-talk. Positive affirmations are one of the techniques to change your thinking. When you change what your self talk, you change your thoughts, when you change your thoughts you change how you feel.
I control my thoughts.
I choose my thoughts
I can relax my body
I will be able to handle what comes up
I am loveable
I am doing my best and that is enough
Related: Get over Anxiety Naturally
9 Tips You Need to Overcome Depression
I am positive affirmations Inspired by AA Milne
There is a great deal of wisdom in the Winne the Pooh stories. This book inspired by Winne the Pooh is great for adults.
I am strong
I am brave
I am smart
When I do the things I can I will find a way
Positive Affirmations for Christians
Some forms of Christianity focus on guilt and shame which can have a negative impact on mental health. Other denominations are more focused on grace. These affirmations are inspired by Christianity. If you are Christian do you have a favorite Bible verse that you can use as an affirmation?
I am a child of God
God so loved me that he gave his son to save me
This is a portion of John 3:16
I am created by God
You will find the creation stories in the first part of Genesis
God didn’t make junk
I saw this on a bumper sticker years ago and it still gives me encouragement when I struggle with feeling worthless and like I don’t matter.
God is my refuge and strength
You will find this and many variations in the Psalms.
Everything is possible for those who love God
Positive affirmations are a powerful tool in changing your thinking. Negative thinking has a detrimental effect on your mental health and mood. What you focus on grows, so if you want to be mentally healthy focus on increasing your positive thoughts and actions.
What else will improve my mental health and confidence?
Support Groups
Support groups help you know that you are not alone. They are the perfect place to share support and encouragement. I made a group just for single moms like you where we support and encourage each other in building better lives. We would love for you to join us in the group Empowered Single Mom Tribe.
Make an appointment and start working with a therapist in your area.
Life Coaching
A life coach will help you figure out a plan, set goals and provide accountability as you build your new life. You can find out more about my life coaching services here.
Journaling is a great way to figure out who you are after a life transition or work through issues.
Thriving a Single Mom Journal is a tool to help you identify strengths and goals to build your confidence and get you started on building a new life.
I know you can build a new life better than your old life. It is not going to be the life you planned, but it can be fabulous. With time and effort, you will get there.
Hi, I’m Tamara the creator of Empowered Single Moms, a single mom, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) and the author of Thriving a Single Mom’s Guide to a Happy, Positive Life and Thriving a Single Mom Journal. I have a solo private psychotherapy practice where I treat anxiety, depression, and relationship issues.
As a member of the Empowered Single Moms community, I believe you can stop carrying the weight of the world alone and build a life you love. Join my mailing list and get 5 Keys to Single Mom Success.